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You can submit any type of information, not just the information listed on the Family Group Sheets! That piece of information that you may not consider important may, for someone else, be the missing link that is necessary to verify some other piece of information. Therefore, submit it (you can list it on the reverse side of any of the Family Group Sheets).

Remember, any piece of information can be submitted, even if it is not listed in the GEDCOM standard! Upon receipt I'll decide which GEDCOM tag it should be assigned.

There are TWO GEDCOM specifications currently in effect:

GEDCOM Spec version 5.5.1 released Nov 15, 2019; current standard, minor text modifications to 5.5.1 draft.
GEDCOM Spec version 7.0.12 released May 27, 2021; modernize character encoding, clarify ambiguities in 5.5.1 specification, introduce semantic versioning, improve multimedia handling.
Because of the newness of this spec, most programs that create GEDCOM files have not implemented this version of the GEDCOM spec.

Event Definition
ADDRESS The contemporary place, usually required for postal purposes, of an individual, a submitter of information, a repository, a business, a school, or a company.
ADOPTION Pertaining to creation of a child-parent relationship that does not exist biologically.
AGE The age of the individual at the time an event occurred, or the age listed in the document.
AGENCY The institution or individual having authority and/or responsibility to manage or govern.
ALIAS An indicator to link different record descriptions of a person who may be the same person.
ANCESTOR-INTEREST Indicates an interest in additional research for ancestors of this individual.
ANCESTORS Pertaining to forbearers of an individual.
ANCESTRAL FILE NUMBER (AFN) A unique permanent record file number of an individual record stored in Ancestral File.
ANNULMENT Declaring a marriage void from the beginning (never existed).
ASSOCIATES An indicator to link friends, neighbors, relatives, or associates of an individual.
AUTHOR The name of the individual who created or compiled information.
BAPTISM The event of baptism (not LDS), performed in infancy or later.
BAPTISM-LDS The event of baptism performed at age eight or later by priesthood authority of the LDS Church.
BAR MITZVAH The ceremonial event held when a Jewish boy reaches age 13.
BAS MITZVAH The ceremonial event held when a Jewish girl reaches age 13, also known as "Bat Mitzvah."
BIRTH The event of entering into life.
BLESSING A religious event of bestowing divine care or intercession. Sometimes given in connection with a naming ceremony.
BURIAL The event of the proper disposing of the mortal remains of a deceased person.
CALL NUMBER The number used by a repository to identify the specific items in its collections.
CASTE The name of an individual's rank or status in society, based on racial or religious differences, or differences in wealth, inherited rank, profession, occupation, etc.
CAUSE A description of the cause of the associated event or fact, such as the cause of death.
CENSUS The event of the periodic count of the population for a designated locality, such as a national or state Census.
CHANGE Indicates a change, correction, or modification. Typically used in connection with a DATE to specify when a change in information occurred.
CHILD The natural, adopted, or sealed (LDS) child of a father and a mother.
CHILDREN-COUNT The number of children that this person is known to be the parent of (all marriages) when subordinate to an individual, or that belong to this family when subordinate to a family.
CHRISTENING The religious event (not LDS) of baptizing and/or naming a child.
CHRISTENING-ADULT The religious event (not LDS) of baptizing and/or naming an adult person.
CITY A lower level jurisdictional unit. Normally an incorporated municipal unit.
CONFIRMATION The religious event (not LDS) of conferring the gift of the Holy Ghost and, among protestants, full church membership.
CONFIRMATION-LDS The religious event by which a person receives membership in the LDS Church.
COPYRIGHT A statement that accompanies data to protect it from unlawful duplication and distribution.
CORPORATE A name of an institution, agency, corporation, or company.
COUNTRY The name or code of the country.
CREMATION Disposal of the remains of a person's body by fire.
DATE The time of an event in a calendar format.
DEATH The event when mortal life terminates.
DESCENDANTS Pertaining to offspring of an individual.
DESCENDANTS-INTEREST Indicates an interest in research to identify additional descendants of this individual.
DIVORCE FILED An event of filing for a divorce by a spouse.
DIVORCE An event of dissolving a marriage through civil action.
EDUCATION Indicator of a level of education attained.
EMIGRATION An event of leaving one's homeland with the intent of residing elsewhere. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH IMMIGRATION!
ENDOWMENT A religious event where an endowment ordinance for an individual was performed by priesthood authority in an LDS temple.
ENGAGEMENT An event of recording or announcing an agreement between two people to become married.
EVENT A noteworthy happening related to an individual, a group, or an organization.
FAMILY Identifies a legal, common law, or other customary relationship of man and woman and their children, if any, or a family created by virtue of the birth of a child to its biological father and mother.
FAMILY CHILD Identifies the family in which an individual appears as a child.
FAMILY SPOUSE Identifies the family in which an individual appears as a spouse.
FIRST COMMUNION A religious rite, the first act of sharing in the Lord's supper as part of church worship.
GIVEN NAME A given or earned name used for official identification of a person.
GRADUATION An event of awarding educational diplomas or degrees to individuals.
HUSBAND An individual in the family role of a married man or father.
IDENTIFICATION NUMBER A number assigned to identify a person within some significant external system.
IMMIGRATION An event of entering into a new locality with the intent of residing there. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH EMIGRATION!
LEGATEE A role of an individual acting as a person receiving a bequest or legal devise.
MARRIAGE A legal, common-law, or customary event of creating a family unit of a man and a woman as husband and wife.
MARRIAGE BAN An event of an official public notice given that two people intend to marry.
MARRIAGE CONTRACT An event of recording a formal agreement of marriage, including the prenuptial agreement in which marriage partners reach agreement about the property rights of one or both, securing property to their children.
MARRIAGE COUNT The number of times this person has participated in a family as a spouse or parent.
MARRIAGE LICENSE An event of obtaining a legal license to marry.
MARRIAGE SETTLEMENT An event of creating an agreement between two people contemplating marriage, at which time they agree to release or modify property rights that would otherwise arise from the marriage.
NAME A word or combination of words used to help identify an individual, title, or other item. More than one NAME line should be used for people who were known by multiple names.
NAME PREFIX Text which appears on a name line before the given and surname parts of a name.
NAME SUFFIX Text which appears on a name line after or behind the given and surname parts of a name.
NATIONALITY The national heritage of an individual.
NATURALIZATION The event of obtaining citizenship.
NICKNAME A descriptive or familiar that is used instead of, or in addition to, one's proper name.
NOTE Additional information provided by the submitter for understanding the enclosing data.
OCCUPATION The type of work or profession of an individual.
ORDINANCE Pertaining to a religious ordinance in general.
ORDINATION A religious event of receiving authority to act in religious matters.
PAGE A number or description to identify where information can be found in a referenced work.
PEDIGREE Information pertaining to an individual to parent lineage chart.
PHONE A unique number assigned to access a specific telephone.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The physical characteristics of a person, place, or thing.
PLACE A jurisdictional name to identify the place or location of an event.
POSTAL CODE A code used by a postal service to identify an area to facilitate mail handling.
PROBATE An event of judicial determination of the validity of a will. May indicate several related court activities over several dates.
PROPERTY Pertaining to possessions such as real estate or other property of interest.
PUBLICATION Refers to when and/or were a work was published or created.
QUALITY OF DATA An assessment of the certainty of the evidence to support the conclusion drawn from evidence.
RECORD FILE NUMBER A permanent number assigned to a record that uniquely identifies it within a known file.
RECORD ID NUMBER A number assigned to a record by an originating automated system that can be used by a receiving system to report results pertaining to that record.
REFERENCE A description or number used to identify an item for filing, storage, or other reference purposes.
RELATIONSHIP A relationship value between the indicated contexts.
RELIGION A religious denomination to which a person is affiliated or for which a record applies.
REPOSITORY An institution or person that has the specified item as part of their collection(s).
RESIDENCE The act of dwelling at an address for a period of time.
RETIREMENT An event of exiting an occupational relationship with an employer after a qualifying time period.
ROLE A name given to a role played by an individual in connection with an event.
SEALING-CHILD A religious event pertaining to the sealing of a child to his or her parents in an LDS temple ceremony.
SEALING-SPOUSE A religious event pertaining to the sealing of a husband and wife in an LDS temple ceremony.
SEX Indicates the sex of an individual--male or female.
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER A number assigned by the United States Social Security Administration. Used for tax identification purposes.
SOURCE The initial or original material from which information was obtained.
STATE A geographical division of a larger jurisdictional area, such as a State within the United States of America.
STATUS An assessment of the state or condition of something.
SUBMISSION Pertains to a collection of data issued for processing.
SUBMITTER An individual or organization who contributes genealogical data to a file or transfers it to someone else.
SURNAME A family name passed on or used by members of a family.
SURNAME PREFIX A name piece used as a non-indexing pre-part of a surname.
TEMPLE The name or code that represents the name a temple of the LDS Church.
TEXT The exact wording found in an original source document.
TITLE A description of a specific writing or other work, such as the title of a book when used in a source context, or a formal designation used by an individual in connection with positions of royalty or other social status, such as Grand Duke.
VERSION Indicates which version of a product, item, or publication is being used or referenced.
WIFE An individual in the role as a mother and/or married woman.
WILL A legal document treated as an event, by which a person disposes of their estate, to take effect after death. The event date is the date the will was signed while the person was alive.

Event Description
ABBREVIATION A short name of a title, description, or name used for sorting, filing, and retrieving records.
ADDRESS The place, usually required for postal purposes, of an individual, a submitter of information, a repository, a business, a school, or a company.
ADOPTION Creation of a legally approved child-parent relationship that does not exist biologically.
AGE AT EVENT The age of the individual at the time an event occurred, or the age listed in the document.
AGENCY, RESPONSIBLE The organization, institution, corporation, person, or other entity that has responsibility for the associated context. Examples are an employer of a person of an associated occupation, or a church that administered rites or events, or an organization responsible for creating or archiving records.
ANNULMENT Declaring a marriage void from the beginning (never existed).
AUTHOR The person, agency, or entity who created the record. For a published work, this could be the author, compiler, transcriber, abstractor, or editor. For an unpublished source, this may be an individual, a government agency, church organization, or private organization.
BAPTISM, LDS The event of baptism performed at age 8 or later by priesthood authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also see BAPTISM).
BAPTISM Baptism, performed in infancy or later (also see BAPTISM, LDS and CHRISTENING)
BAR MITZVAH The ceremonial event held when a Jewish boy reaches age 13.
BAS MATZVAH The ceremonial event held when a Jewish girl reaches age 13, also known as "Bat Mitzvah."
BIRTH Entering into life.
BLESSING Bestowing divine care or intercession. Sometimes given in connection with a naming ceremony.
BURIAL Disposing of the mortal remains of a deceased person.
CALL NUMBER An identification or reference description used to file and retrieve items from the holdings of a repository. Despite the word "number" in the name, may contain any character, not just digits.
CASTE The name of an individual's rank or status in society which is sometimes based on racial or religious differences, or differences in wealth, inherited rank, profession, or occupation.
CAUSE The reasons which precipitated an event. It is often used describe a death event to show cause of death, such as might be listed on a death certificate.
CENSUS Periodic count of the population for a designated locality, such as a national or state census.
CHILD The child in a family, whether biological, adopted, foster, sealed, or other relationship.
CHRISTENING Baptism or naming events for a child. (also see BAPTISM
CHRISTENING, ADULT Baptism or naming events for an adult person.
CITY The name of the city used in the address.
CONFIRMATION Conferring full church membership.
CONFIRMATION, LDS The religious event by which a person receives membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also see CONFIRMATION).
COPYRIGHT A copyright statement, as appropriate for the copyright laws applicable to this data.
CORPORATE NAME The name of the business, corporation, or person that produced or commissioned the product.
CREMATION Disposal of the remains of a person's body by fire.
COUNTRY The name of the country that pertains to the associated address.
DATE The principal date of the subject.
DEATH Mortal life terminates.
DIVORCE Dissolving a marriage through civil action.
DIVORCE FILED Filing for a divorce by a spouse.
DESCRIPTION, PHYSICAL The physical characteristics of a person.
EDUCATION Indicator of a level of education attained.
EMAIL An electronic mail address, as defined by any relevant standard such as RFC 3696, RFC 5321, or RFC 5322.
EMIGRATION Leaving one's homeland with the intent of residing elsewhere. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH IMMIGRATION!
ENDOWMENT, LDS A religious event where an endowment ordinance for an individual was performed by priesthood authority in a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
ENGAGEMENT Recording or announcing an agreement between two people to become married.
EVENT An event: A noteworthy happening related to an individual or family. If a specific event type exists, it should be used instead of the generic event (this) tag.
FACT A noteworthy attribute or fact concerning an individual or family. If a specific attribute type exists, it should be used instead of the generic fact (this) tag.
FAMILY, CHILD The family in which an individual appears as a child.
FAMILY, SPOUSE The family in which an individual appears as a partner.
FACSIMILE A fax telephone number appropriate for sending data facsimiles.
FIRST COMMUNION The first act of sharing in the Lord's supper as part of church worship.
GIVEN NAME A given or earned name used for official identification of a person.
GRADUATION Awarding educational diplomas or degrees to individuals.
HUSBAND An individual in the family role of a married man or father.
IMMIGRATION Entering into a new locality with the intent of residing there. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH EMIGRATION!
INITIATORY, LDS A religious event where an initiatory ordinance for an individual was performed by priesthood authority in a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
LATITUDE A latitudinal coordinate. The number is either N (for a coordinate north of the equator) or S (for a coordinate south of the equator) followed by a decimal number of degrees. Minutes and seconds are not used.
LONGITUDE A longitudinal coordinate. The number is either E (for a coordinate east of the prime meridian) or W (for a coordinate west of the prime meridian) followed by a decimal number of degrees. Minutes and seconds are not used.
MAP A representative point for a location, as defined by LATI and LONG tabs.
MARRIAGE BANN Official public notice given that 2 people intend to marry.
MARRIAGE CONTRACT Recording a formal agreement of marriage, including the prenuptial agreement in which marriage partners reach agreement about the property rights of 1 or both, securing property to their children.
MARRIAGE LICENSE Obtaining a legal license to marry.
MARRIAGE A legal, common-law, or customary event such as a wedding or marriage ceremony that joins 2 partners to create or extend a family unit.
MARRIAGE SETTLEMENT Creating an agreement between 2 people contemplating marriage, at which time they agree to release or modify property rights that would otherwise arise from the marriage.
NAME A word or combination of words used to help identify an individual, title, or other item.
NATIONALITY An individual's national heritage or origin, or other folk, house, kindred, lineage, or tribal interest.
NATURALIZATION Obtaining citizenship.
HUMBER OF CHILDREN The number of children that this person is known to be the parent of (all marriages).
NICKNAME A descriptive or familiar name that is used instead of, or in addition to, one's proper name.
NUMBER OF MARRIAGES The number of times this person has participated in a family as a spouse or parent.
NOTE Text containing additional information provided by the submitter for understanding the enclosing data.
NAME PREFIX Text that appears on a name line before the given and surname parts of a name.
NAME SUFFIX Text which appears on a name line after or behind the given and surname parts of a name.
OCCUPATION The type of work or profession of an individual.
ORDINATION Receiving authority to act in religious matters.
PAGE A specific location within the information referenced. For a published work, this could include the volume of a multi-volume work and the page number or numbers. For a periodical, it could include volume, issue, and page numbers. For a newspaper, it could include a date, page number, and column number. For an unpublished source or microfilmed works, this could be a film or sheet number, page number, or frame number. A census record might have an enumerating district, page number, line number, dwelling number, and family number.
PEDIGREE Information pertaining to an individual to parent lineage chart.
PHONE A telephone number.
PLACE The principal place represented as a list of jurisdictional entities in a sequence from the lowest to the highest jurisdiction. As with other lists, the jurisdictions are separated by commas.
POSTAL CODE A code used by a postal service to identify an area to facilitate mail handling.
PROBATE Judicial determination of the validity of a will. It may indicate several related court activities over several dates.
PROPERTY Pertaining to possessions such as real estate or other property of interest.
PUBLICATION When and where the record was created. For published works, this includes information such as the city of publication, name of the publisher, and year of publication.
QUALITY OF DATA A number (1 to 5) indicating the credibility of a piece of information, based on its supporting evidence.
REFERENCE A user-defined number or text that the submitter uses to identify the text. For instance, it may be a record number within the submitter's automated or manual system, or it may be a page and position number on a pedigree chart.
RELIGION A religious denomination to which a person is affiliated or for which a record applies.
REPOSITORY The name and address record of the holder of the source document.
RESIDENCE An address or place of residence where an individual or a family resided.
RESTRICTION Text signifying access to information may be denied or otherwise restricted.
RETIREMENT Exiting an occupational relationship with an employer after a qualifying time period.
ROLE Text indicating what role this person played in an event or person's life.
SEX Sex of the individual at birth.
SEALING, CHILD A religious event pertaining to the sealing of a child to his or her parents in a temple ceremony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
SEALING, SPOUSE A religious event pertaining to the sealing of a husband and wife in a temple ceremony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also see MARRIAGE).
SHARED NOTE A note that is shared by multiple structures.
SOURCE A description of an entire source.
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER A number assigned by the United States Social Security Administration, used for tax identification purposes. It is a type of IDNO.
STATE A geographical division of a larger jurisdictional area, such as a state within the United States of America.
STATUS A value assessing of the state or condition of an ordinance.
SUBMITTER A contributor of information.
SURNAME A family name passed on or used by members of a family.
TEMPLE The name of a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
TEXT FROM SOURCE A verbatim copy of any description contained within the source. This indicates notes or text that are actually contained in the source document, not the submitter's opinion about the source. This should be, from the evidence point of view, "what the original record keeper said" as opposed to the researcher's interpretation.
TIME A Time value in a 24-hour clock format.
TITLE A formal designation used by an individual in connection with positions of royalty or other social status, such as Grand Duke.
WIFE An individual in the role as a mother and/or married woman.
WILL A legal document treated as an event, by which a person disposes of his or her estate. It takes effect after death. The event date is the date the will was signed while the person was alive (also see PROB).
WEB ADDRESS A URL or other locator for a World Wide Web page.

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This page last updated: April 1, 2023

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